

Good quality battery need good equipment, Good equipment requires good service.

BETTER has successfully avoided the problem of customers purchasing and supplying equipment from multiple equipment suppliers and installation & commissioning. Because of such a dispersed supply relationship, firstly, the quality and price are not transparent enough, and secondly, it may be result some problems such as a long production time, heavy technical discussion tasks, tedious business communication, and poor interaction between the front, middle and back stages of the process.

Enhance the Innovation – Let "Made in China" Be Internationally Recognized

In the related fields of lead-acid battery equipment manufacturing, there are still many companies that use past thinking for current marketing, focusing on manufacturing and despising service, focusing production and despising application. They are not paying enough attention to the needs of consumers for modern manufacturing service business, thus, there is no insight into the changes in the market and the consumption scene.

Why do we still need to develop manufacturing services even if Made in China has become "No. 1 in the world"?

There is a famous "smile curve" in economics. The "smile curve" tells us that on the value chain curve of modern manufacturing industry, manufacturing and processing are always at the middle and low end; while R&D, design, sales and service are at the high end of the curve,however, they are more needed to increase the added value of the industry.

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