

What Is the Battery Memory Effect and How Does It Impact Battery Life?

Battery technology plays a vital role in modern life, especially in portable devices, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage systems. Despite significant advancements in battery technology, the memory effect remains a concern.

What is the cycle number and real life of lithium iron phosphate battery pack?

What is the real life of lithium iron phosphate? In fact, the life of a lithium battery pack is nearly the same, whether it is lithium iron phosphate battery or ternary lithium battery, the real service life is related to the user's method and protection. In this article, let's talk about what is the real life of lithium iron phosphate battery pack.

Precaution | Winter has come ,how to maintain lead acid battery?

When cold current hits and temperature drops, the activity of various substances in lead-acid battery may decrease, and with the decreasing of internal resistance, battery capacity, charging effect and storage capacity, driving range of electric vehicles will be affected.

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