
Demystify the "secret" of lead-acid battery refurbishment

2022-02-24 16:59

Many People often replace lead-acid battery for their electric vehicle, but it is suspected that they have bought a refurbished battery. To a certain extent, it can be said that the refurbishment of lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles has a certain effect, but it is definitely not as good as new one. Generally speaking, the life of battery is about 300 times of full charge and discharge, and then it finished life.

So, how to distinguish the lead-acid battery which you purchased is an original battery or a refurbished battery?

1, check the surface.

Generally, the appearance of a new battery is smooth and clean. However,the surface of the refurbished battery would be polished, because the original mark needs to be removed, and new mark and date must be repainted on it. If you look carefully, you can find the original mark that was polished off.

2, check the terminal holes.

There will be solder residues in the terminal holes of the refurbished battery. Even if it is polished cleanly, you also can find sanding marks.Although some refurbished batteries will replace the terminals, the color of the positive and negative marks is unevenly painted, which will be easily recognized as refilled battery.

3, check the date.

There will be a date on the battery package, Please check the date on the package and the battery, whether they are matched or not, and also confirm whether the date has been modified

4, check the warranty card.

Warranty card is an identity of battery.Normally, Batteries out from a factory with product certification and a warranty card. When there is a problem with the product, the warranty card is a valid certificate to seek solution from the merchant.

If there is no warranty card, it may be a refurbished battery. I hope that everyone will pay attention when replacing new batteries, so as to avoid buying refurbished batteries and causing unnecessary losses.

lead acid battery


1. After the battery is polished, it will leave many scratches around it, and the QR code will be blurred after the coating..

2. Furthermore, you can also look at the last few letters of the date. If the words Cs and ZZ appeared in the end of the date ,it is a maintenance or turnover battery. Every battery manufacturer almost take this method.

3. Finally,Please try to replace new battery in a larger store, and choose well-known brand, it can guarantee the quality of battery and a good after-sales service. Don't be greedy for a cheap replacement for a maintenance or turnover battery.

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